ビル・ゲイツ&メリンダ・ゲイツ No.09

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CA: So what do you guys argue about? Sunday, 11 o’clock, you’re away from work, what comes up? What’s the argument?

BG: Because we built this thing together from the beginning, it’s this great partnership. I had that with Paul Allen in the early days of Microsoft. I had it with Steve Ballmer as Microsoft got bigger, and now Melinda, and in even stronger, equal ways, is the partner, so we talk a lot about which things should we give more to, which groups are working well? She’s got a lot of insight. She’ll sit down with the employees a lot. We’ll take the different trips she described. So there’s a lot of collaboration. I can’t think of anything where one of us had a super strong opinion about one thing or another?

CA: How about you, Melinda, though? Can you? (Laughter) You never know.

MG: Well, here’s the thing. We come at things from different angles, and I actually think that’s really good. So Bill can look at the big data and say, “I want to act based on these global statistics.” For me, I come at it from intuition. I meet with lots of people on the ground and Bill’s taught me to take that and read up to the global data and see if they match, and I think what I’ve taught him is to take that data and meet with people on the ground to understand, can you actually deliver that vaccine? Can you get a woman to accept those polio drops in her child’s mouth? Because the delivery piece is every bit as important as the science. So I think it’s been more a coming to over time towards each other’s point of view, and quite frankly, the work is better because of it.


CA: So what do you guys argue about? Sunday, 11 o’clock, you’re away from work, what comes up? What’s the argument?

BG: Because we built this thing together from the beginning, it’s this great partnership. I had that with Paul Allen in the early days of Microsoft. I had it with Steve Ballmer as Microsoft got bigger, and now Melinda, and in even stronger, equal ways, is the partner, so we talk a lot about which things should we give more to, which groups are working well? She’s got a lot of insight. She’ll sit down with the employees a lot. We’ll take the different trips she described. So there’s a lot of collaboration. I can’t think of anything where one of us had a super strong opinion about one thing or another?

CA: How about you, Melinda, though? Can you? (Laughter) You never know.

MG: Well, here’s the thing. We come at things from different angles, and I actually think that’s really good. So Bill can look at the big data and say, “I want to act based on these global statistics.” For me, I come at it from intuition. I meet with lots of people on the ground and Bill’s taught me to take that and read up to the global data and see if they match, and I think what I’ve taught him is to take that data and meet with people on the ground to understand, can you actually deliver that vaccine? Can you get a woman to accept those polio drops in her child’s mouth? Because the delivery piece is every bit as important as the science. So I think it’s been more a coming to over time towards each other’s point of view, and quite frankly, the work is better because of it.

collaboration: 協力,協調、協業、共同制作
insight: n. 洞察力,明察、深い理解,見識,眼識
sit down with ~: 〜と膝を交える、と話し合う
here’s the thing.: あのね、つまりね、こういうことなんです
come at : 〜に達する;〜をつかむ、得る
angle: n. (物を眺める)位置;(カメラの)アングル;(問題・状況に対する)見方,観点
from a different angle: 異なった観点から
statistics: n. 統計(学)
intuition: 直感(力)、直覚(力)
on the ground: 現場で;実地に、実用的に;一般大衆の間[草の根]に
polio: n. 小児麻痺,ポリオ,脊髄灰白質炎(poliomyelitis の略。=infantile paralysis)
every bit: あらゆる点で、全部,みんな、全く
over time: 時間とともに、そのうちに、ひとりでに


Paul allen: ポール・アレン(Paul Gardner Allen, 1953年1月21日 – )は、マイクロソフト社の共同創業者。1983年に退社し、1990年に復帰するが、2000年に再び退社、取締役も退任。現在は資産運用や投資を業務とするバルカン社を経営している。
Steve Ballmer: スティーブ・バルマー(Steven Anthony Ballmer、1956年3月24日 – )アメリカ合衆国の実業家、マイクロソフト社最高経営責任者(2000年1月 – 2014年2月4日)。


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