ケリー・マクゴニガル No.01

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[audio:http://akioiwai.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1905f6dd23d3984fe14a0abf94ed7b68.mp3] [audio:http://akioiwai.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/e06a89fa9d5dacbbbd097def843bcf04.mp3] [audio:http://akioiwai.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/93eb9a42760e7e74e4519319eb31e8a3.mp3]


I have a confession to make, but first, I want you to make a little confession to me. In the past year, I want you to just raise your hand
if you’ve experienced relatively little stress. Anyone?
How about a moderate amount of stress?
Who has experienced a lot of stress? Yeah. Me too.

But that is not my confession. My confession is this: I am a health psychologist, and my mission is to help people be happier and healthier. But I fear that something I’ve been teaching for the last 10 years is doing more harm than good, and it has to do with stress. For years I’ve been telling people, stress makes you sick. It increases the risk of everything from the common cold to cardiovascular disease. Basically, I’ve turned stress into the enemy. But I have changed my mind about stress, and today, I want to change yours.

Let me start with the study that made me rethink my whole approach to stress. This study tracked 30,000 adults in the United States for eight years, and they started by asking people, “How much stress have you experienced in the last year?” They also asked, “Do you believe that stress is harmful for your health?” And then they used public death records to find out who died. (Laughter)



I have a confession to make, but first, I want you to make a little confession to me. In the past year, I want you to just raise your hand
if you’ve experienced relatively little stress. Anyone?
How about a moderate amount of stress?
Who has experienced a lot of stress? Yeah. Me too.

But that is not my confession. My confession is this: I am a health psychologist, and my mission is to help people be happier and healthier. But I fear that something I’ve been teaching for the last 10 years is doing more harm than good, and it has to do with stress. For years I’ve been telling people, stress makes you sick. It increases the risk of everything from the common cold to cardiovascular disease. Basically, I’ve turned stress into the enemy. But I have changed my mind about stress, and today, I want to change yours.

Let me start with the study that made me rethink my whole approach to stress. This study tracked 30,000 adults in the United States for eight years, and they started by asking people, “How much stress have you experienced in the last year?” They also asked, “Do you believe that stress is harmful for your health?” And then they used public death records to find out who died. (Laughter)


confession: n. (罪・気持ちなどの)白状, 自白, 告白, 自認 «to/that節» ; 供述書, 自白書
I have a confession to make.白状すると[実を言うと]
in the past year: この1年間に
relatively: adv. 比較的に
moderate: a. 適度の,中くらいの、並みの,普通の
a ~ amount of A: 〜の量のA
health psychologist: 健康心理学者
mission: n. 使命,任務,目的,目標
do more harm than good: 益よりも害をもたらす
fear that ~: [〜ではないかと]心配する,不安になる
have to do with ~: 〜と関係がある、関わりがある,関与している
common cold: 風邪 【略】CC
cardiovascular disease: 心臓血管病、心血管疾患
rethink: vt. 考え直す,再考する
approach: n. 取り組み方,手法,研究方法
track: vt. 〜を追跡する,調べる、追跡調査する
harmful: a. 有害な,害を及ぼす《to, for》
public: a. 公共の
death record: 死亡記録



ケリー・マクゴニガル:1977年,10月21日生まれ。健康心理学者。教師である両親のもとアメリカ,ニュージャージー州で育てられ、ボストン大学で心理学とマスコミュニケーションの文学士、スタンフォード大学で心理学の博士号を取得。心理学、神経科学、医学の最新の研究を応用し、個人の健康や幸せ、成功および 人間関係の向上に関する講義が人気。



DVDブック 最高の自分を引き出す法 −スタンフォードの奇跡の教室 in JAPAN
スタンフォードの自分を変えるヨガ教室 (DVD付き)



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