ジョナサン・ハイト No.02

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[audio:http://akioiwai.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/73d2b052307a3f514c9f5d38e670d262.mp3] [audio:http://akioiwai.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/94264d1805ed82265209521d24d7b55e.mp3] [audio:http://akioiwai.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/77f4ee901f893a75d5b919376450c0c5.mp3]


This trait also tells us a lot about the kinds of groups people join. So here’s the description of a group I found on the Web. What kinds of people would join a global community welcoming people from every discipline and culture, who seek a deeper understanding of the world, and who hope to turn that understanding into a better future for us all? This is from some guy named Ted. (Laughter) Well, let’s see now, if openness predicts who becomes liberal, and openness predicts who becomes a TEDster, then might we predict that most TEDsters are liberal? Let’s find out. I’m going to ask you to raise your hand, whether you are liberal, left of center — on social issues, we’re talking about, primarily — or conservative, and I’ll give a third option, because I know there are a number of libertarians in the audience. So, right now, please raise your hand — down in the simulcast rooms, too, let’s let everybody see who’s here — please raise your hand if you would say that you are liberal or left of center. Please raise your hand high right now. OK. Please raise your hand if you’d say you’re libertarian. OK, about a — two dozen. And please raise your hand if you’d say you are right of center or conservative. One, two, three, four, five — about eight or 10.

OK. This is a bit of a problem. Because if our goal is to understand the world, to seek a deeper understanding of the world, our general lack of moral diversity here is going to make it harder. Because when people all share values, when people all share morals, they become a team, and once you engage the psychology of teams, it shuts down open-minded thinking. When the liberal team loses, as it did in 2004, and as it almost did in 2000, we comfort ourselves. (Laughter) We try to explain why half of America voted for the other team. We think they must be blinded by religion, or by simple stupidity. (Laughter) (Applause) So, if you think that half of America votes Republican because they are blinded in this way, then my message to you is that you’re trapped in a moral matrix, in a particular moral matrix. And by the matrix, I mean literally the matrix, like the movie “The Matrix.”



This trait also tells us a lot about the kinds of groups people join. So here’s the description of a group I found on the Web. What kinds of people would join a global community welcoming people from every discipline and culture, who seek a deeper understanding of the world, and who hope to turn that understanding into a better future for us all? This is from some guy named Ted. (Laughter) Well, let’s see now, if openness predicts who becomes liberal, and openness predicts who becomes a TEDster, then might we predict that most TEDsters are liberal? Let’s find out. I’m going to ask you to raise your hand, whether you are liberal, left of center — on social issues, we’re talking about, primarily — or conservative, and I’ll give a third option, because I know there are a number of libertarians in the audience. So, right now, please raise your hand — down in the simulcast rooms, too, let’s let everybody see who’s here — please raise your hand if you would say that you are liberal or left of center. Please raise your hand high right now. OK. Please raise your hand if you’d say you’re libertarian. OK, about a — two dozen. And please raise your hand if you’d say you are right of center or conservative. One, two, three, four, five — about eight or 10.

OK. This is a bit of a problem. Because if our goal is to understand the world, to seek a deeper understanding of the world, our general lack of moral diversity here is going to make it harder. Because when people all share values, when people all share morals, they become a team, and once you engage the psychology of teams, it shuts down open-minded thinking. When the liberal team loses, as it did in 2004, and as it almost did in 2000, we comfort ourselves. (Laughter) We try to explain why half of America voted for the other team. We think they must be blinded by religion, or by simple stupidity. (Laughter) (Applause) So, if you think that half of America votes Republican because they are blinded in this way, then my message to you is that you’re trapped in a moral matrix, in a particular moral matrix. And by the matrix, I mean literally the matrix, like the movie “The Matrix.”


description: n. 記述、説明、描写
discipline: n. 修養、訓練法、学習法;規律、統制
TEDster: ~sterで「〜する人、〜に関わる人、〜である人」の意。
predict: vt. 〜を予測する、予知する、予見する
raise one’s hand: 挙手する、手を挙げる
left-of-center: a. (政治的に)中道左派の
primarily: adv. 主として、主に;元来、本来;第一に、最初に
conserveative: a. 保守主義の、保守主義的な
option: n. 選択肢、選択の自由、選ぶこと、選択、オプション
libertarian: 自由主義者、自由意志論者
simulcast: n. 同時放送:vt. 〜を同時放送する《テレビ、ラジオ、AM・FMの間で、あるいは放送局間で》
right-of-center: a. (政治的に)中道右派の、保守寄りの
moral: a. 道徳上の、教訓的な
engage: vt. 〜を引きつける、加える、雇う
shut down: 閉める、閉鎖する、停止する、シャットダウンする
open-minded: a. 心の広い、頭の柔らかい、偏見のない、開放的な
comfort: vt. 慰める、安心させる、なだめる、痛みを和らげる
blind: vt. 〜を盲目にする、〜の目をくらませる、〜を見えなくさせる
stupidity: n. 愚かさ、愚かな考え、愚行
trap: vt. 〜をわなにかける、だます、陥れる
matrix: n. (物事を生み出す)母体、土台、基盤;母型、鋳型
literally: adv. 文字通り、まさしく、正確に



The Matrix:

マトリックス 特別版 [DVD]

マトリックス リローデッド [DVD]

マトリックス レボリューションズ [DVD]


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