セス・ゴーディン No.04

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[audio:http://akioiwai.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Seth-Godin-No4-20.mp3] [audio:http://akioiwai.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Seth-Godin-No4.mp3] [audio:http://akioiwai.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Seth-Godin-No4-201.mp3]


But there is good news around the corner — really good news. I call it the idea of tribes. What tribes are, is a very simple concept that goes back 50,000 years. It’s about leading and connecting people and ideas. And it’s something that people have wanted forever. Lots of people are used to having a spiritual tribe, or a church tribe, having a work tribe, having a community tribe. But now, thanks to the internet, thanks to the explosion of mass media, thanks to a lot of other things that are bubbling through our society around the world, tribes are everywhere.

The Internet was supposed to homogenize everyone by connecting us all. Instead what it’s allowed is silos of interest. So you’ve got the red-hat ladies over here. You’ve got the red-hat triathletes over there. You’ve got the organized armies over here. You’ve got the disorganized rebels over here. You’ve got people in white hats making food. And people in white hats sailing boats. The point is that you can find Ukrainian folk dancers and connect with them, because you want to be connected. That people on the fringes can find each other, connect and go somewhere. Every town that has a volunteer fire department understands this way of thinking. (Laughter)

Now it turns out this is a legitimate non-photoshopped photo. People I know who are firemen told me that this is not uncommon. And that what firemen do to train sometimes is they take a house that is going to be torn down, and they burn it down instead, and practice putting it out. But they always stop and take a picture. (Laughter)

You know the pirate tribe is a fascinating one. They’ve got their own flag. They’ve got the eye patches. You can tell when you’re running into someone in a tribe. And it turns out that it’s tribes — not money, not factories — that can change our world, that can change politics, that can align large numbers of people. Not because you force them to do something against their will, but because they wanted to connect.



But there is good news around the corner — really good news. I call it the idea of tribes. What tribes are, is a very simple concept that goes back 50,000 years. It’s about leading and connecting people and ideas. And it’s something that people have wanted forever. Lots of people are used to having a spiritual tribe, or a church tribe, having a work tribe, having a community tribe. But now, thanks to the internet, thanks to the explosion of mass media, thanks to a lot of other things that are bubbling through our society around the world, tribes are everywhere.

The Internet was supposed to homogenize everyone by connecting us all. Instead what it’s allowed is silos of interest. So you’ve got the red-hat ladies over here. You’ve got the red-hat triathletes over there. You’ve got the organized armies over here. You’ve got the disorganized rebels over here. You’ve got people in white hats making food. And people in white hats sailing boats. The point is that you can find Ukrainian folk dancers and connect with them, because you want to be connected. That people on the fringes can find each other, connect and go somewhere. Every town that has a volunteer fire department understands this way of thinking. (Laughter)

Now it turns out this is a legitimate non-photoshopped photo. People I know who are firemen told me that this is not uncommon. And that what firemen do to train sometimes is they take a house that is going to be torn down, and they burn it down instead, and practice putting it out. But they always stop and take a picture. (Laughter)

You know the pirate tribe is a fascinating one. They’ve got their own flag. They’ve got the eye patches. You can tell when you’re running into someone in a tribe. And it turns out that it’s tribes — not money, not factories — that can change our world, that can change politics, that can align large numbers of people. Not because you force them to do something against their will, but because they wanted to connect.


around the corner: すぐ近くに、まじかに、角を曲がったところに
tribe: n. 部族、種族;一団、連中
concept: n. 概念、想念;考え、意見;発想、構想
connect: vt. 〜をつなぐ、結びつける、接続する
thanks to ~: 〜のおかげで、〜の結果
bubble: vi. 泡立つ、沸騰する;ブクブクと音を立てる
homogenize: vt. 〜を均質にする、同質にする
instead: adv. 代わりに、そうせずに、そうではなく、それどころか
allow: vt. 〜に許可する、許す、認める
silo: n. サイロ(家畜飼料・穀物などの保管塔);地下貯蔵庫;(地下)ミサイル格納庫
interest: n. 興味、関心、趣味;利益、利害(関係)
the red-hat ladies: 「赤い帽子の女性」。Red Hat Society(RHS)という社会組織のメンバーの女性たちのこと。
organized: a. 組織的な、組織された;系統的な、整理された
disorganized: a. 組織的でない、混乱した、秩序を欠いた
rebel: n. (~s)反逆者、反乱兵士;反対者、反主流勢力
sail: vt. 〜を帆走させる、操る
fringe: n. へり、末端、縁、周辺、外れ;ふさ、ふさ飾り;前髪
the fringesで【集団・分野などの】少数派、過激派、急進派、傍流
turn out ~: 〜ということが分かる、結局〜であることが分かる
legitimate: a. 合法の、合法的な、適法の;正当な;道理に合った、もっともな
photoshopped: a. (画像が)フォトショップで修正された
Photoshop: n. アドビ社製の画像加工ソフトウェア
tear down:[建物な土を]壊す、取り壊す、解体する
put out: [火・明かりを]消す
pirate: n. 海賊、略奪者;海賊船;著作権侵害者
eye patch: n. 眼帯
politics: n. 政治、政治活動、政界
align: vt. 〜を整列させる、一列に並べる
force A to ~: vt. Aに無理やり〜をさせる、することを強いる
against one’s will: 〜の意志に反して



Red Hat Society
red-hat-society copy
Red Hat Society(RHS)は1998年にアメリカで、50歳以上の女性のための組織として設立された。現在は全ての年齢の女性に解放されていて、国内外に40000以上の支部がある。

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