セス・ゴーディン No.06

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[audio:http://akioiwai.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Seth-Godin-No6-20.mp3] [audio:http://akioiwai.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Seth-Godin-No6.mp3] [audio:http://akioiwai.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Seth-Godin-No6-201.mp3]


The Beatles did not invent teenagers. They merely decided to lead them. That most movements, most leadership that we’re doing is about finding a group that’s disconnected but already has a yearning — not persuading people to want something they don’t have yet.

When Diane Hatz worked on “The Meatrix,” her video that spread all across the internet about the way farm animals are treated, she didn’t invent the idea of being a vegan. She didn’t invent the idea of caring about this issue. But she helped organize people, and helped turn it into a movement.

Hugo Chavez did not invent the disaffected middle and lower class of Venezuela. He merely led them.

Bob Marley did not invent Rastafarians. He just stepped up and said, “Follow me.”

Derek Sivers invented CD Baby, which allowed independent musicians to have a place to sell their music without selling out to the man — to have place to take the mission they already wanted to go to, and connect with each other.

What all these people have in common is that they are heretics. That heretics look at the status quo and say, “This will not stand. I can’t abide this status quo. I am willing to stand up and be counted and move things forward. I see what the status quo is; I don’t like it.” That instead of looking at all the little rules and following each one of them, that instead of being what I call a sheepwalker — somebody who’s half asleep, following instructions, keeping their head down, fitting in — every once in a while someone stands up and says, “Not me.” Someone stands up and says, “This one is important. We need to organize around it.” And not everyone will. But you don’t need everyone. You just need a few people — (Laughter) — who will look at the rules, realize they make no sense, and realize how much they want to be connected.



The Beatles did not invent teenagers. They merely decided to lead them. That most movements, most leadership that we’re doing is about finding a group that’s disconnected but already has a yearning — not persuading people to want something they don’t have yet.

When Diane Hatz worked on “The Meatrix,” her video that spread all across the internet about the way farm animals are treated, she didn’t invent the idea of being a vegan. She didn’t invent the idea of caring about this issue. But she helped organize people, and helped turn it into a movement.

Hugo Chavez did not invent the disaffected middle and lower class of Venezuela. He merely led them.

Bob Marley did not invent Rastafarians. He just stepped up and said, “Follow me.”

Derek Sivers invented CD Baby, which allowed independent musicians to have a place to sell their music without selling out to the man — to have place to take the mission they already wanted to go to, and connect with each other.

What all these people have in common is that they are heretics. That heretics look at the status quo and say, “This will not stand. I can’t abide this status quo. I am willing to stand up and be counted and move things forward. I see what the status quo is; I don’t like it.” That instead of looking at all the little rules and following each one of them, that instead of being what I call a sheepwalker — somebody who’s half asleep, following instructions, keeping their head down, fitting inevery once in a while someone stands up and says, “Not me.” Someone stands up and says, “This one is important. We need to organize around it.” And not everyone will. But you don’t need everyone. You just need a few people — (Laughter) — who will look at the rules, realize they make no sense, and realize how much they want to be connected.


merely: adv. ただ単に、単に、ただ
disconnected: a. (〜から)分離して、隔離して、かけ離れて(from);ばらばらの、一貫性のない、まとまりのない
yearning: n. 憧れ、憧憬、切望、熱望
Diane Hatz: ダイアン・ハッツ。
The Meatrix: ザ・ミートリクス。工場式農業(factory farming)を批判したショートムービー。
farm animal: 家畜
vegan: n. 完全菜食主義者(卵や乳製品も含めて動物性の食物を全く摂らない)
care about ~: 〜を気にかける、大切にする、大事に思う;〜を心配する、気にする:〜に関心がある
issue: n. 問題、論点、争点
organize: vt. 〜を組織化する、整理する、まとめ上げる
turn ~ into …: 〜を…に変える
Hugo Chavez: ウゴ・チャベス(1954〜。ベネズエラ大統領(1999~2013)。陸軍中佐だった1992年、ペレス政権打倒を目指し、反乱部隊を率いて大統領府を攻撃、投獄される。2年後に恩赦で釈放。98年12月の大統領選で当選、事実上のクーデターで辞任させられたがわずか2日で政権に復帰した。
disaffected: a. 不平[不満]のある、反逆心のある
middle class: 中産階級
lower class: 下層階級
Bob Marley: ボブ・マーリー(本名Robert Nesta Marley)。ジャマイカの最も有名なレゲエ音楽家でラスタファリ運動(Rastafari movement)の信奉者(1945~1981年)。
Rastafarian: n. ラスタファリアン(運動)
step up: 上がる、上る
Derek Sivers: デレク・シヴァーズ。CDベイビーの創立者。
invent: vt.
CD Baby: CDベイビー。オンラインのミュージックストア。
independent musician: インディー(independent music、indie)のミュージシャン
sell out: (人などに)事業を売却する(to)
have in common: 共通点がある、共通点を持っている
heretic: n. 異端者、アウトロー
the status quo: 現状
abide: vt. (規則などを)守る、遵守する
be willing to ~: 〜する意思[用意]がある、進んで〜する
sheepwalker: 夢遊病者(sleepwalker)を文字って作った言葉。半分眠ったまま指示に従い、現状に適応している人々。
instruction: n. 指示、指図、命令;教育、訓練
fit in: 適合する、適応する、調和する、合わせる;溶け込む、馴染む、落ち着く
every once in a while: たまに、時々、折々(everyは強調のために付けられている)
make no sense: 意味をなさない、理にかなわない、要領を得ない



Diane Hatz(ダイアン・ハッツ)
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The Meatrix → http://www.themeatrix.com/
The Meatrix(字幕付き)→ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyHHFijwO_o

Hugo Chavez(ウゴ・チャベス)
Hugo_Chávez_(02-04-2010) copy

Bob Marley(ボブ・マーリー)
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ボブ・マーリー(Bob Marley、1945年2月6日 – 1981年5月11日、出生名ロバート・ネスタ・マーリー Robert Nesta Marley)は、ジャマイカのレゲエミュージシャン。その音楽はラスタファリ運動の思想を背景としており、彼の音楽と思想は数多くの人々に多大な影響を与えた。
ボブ・マーリーの音楽はこちら ↓

ラスタファリ運動(Rastafari movement、ラスタファリアニズム(Rastafarianism)とも。ジャマイカを中心とする黒人運動。1930年代にジャマイカの労働者階級と農民中心にして発生した宗教的思想運動である。ラスタファリ運動の実践者は「ラスタファリアン」、または「ラスタピープル」、「ラスタパーソン」、もしくは単に「ラスタ」と呼ぶ。ラスタファリアンはこの宗教運動のことを「主義」(イズム、-ism) ではなく「人生観」(way of life) と考えるため、ラスタファリ運動 (Rastafari movement) と表現される。

Derek Sivers(デレク・シヴァーズ)
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デレク・シヴァーズ 「社会運動はどうやって起こすか」

インディーズ(independent music)


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