ビル・ゲイツ&メリンダ・ゲイツ No.02

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CA: So, given that this vacation led to the creation of the world’s biggest private foundation, it’s pretty expensive as vacations go. (Laughter)

MG: I guess so. We enjoyed it.

CA: Which of you was the key instigator here, or was it symmetrical?

Bill Gates: Well, I think we were excited that there’d be a phase of our life where we’d get to work together and figure out how to give this money back. At this stage, we were talking about the poorest, and could you have a big impact on them? Were there things that weren’t being done? There was a lot we didn’t know. Our naïveté is pretty incredible, when we look back on it. But we had a certain enthusiasm that that would be the phase, the post-Microsoft phase would be our philanthropy.

MG: Which Bill always thought was going to come after he was 60, so he hasn’t quite hit 60 yet, so some things change along the way.

CA: So it started there, but it got accelerated. So that was ’93, and it was ’97, really, before the foundation itself started.

MA: Yeah, in ’97, we read an article about diarrheal diseases killing so many kids around the world, and we kept saying to ourselves, “Well that can’t be. In the U.S., you just go down to the drug store.” And so we started gathering scientists and started learning about population, learning about vaccines, learning about what had worked and what had failed, and that’s really when we got going, was in late 1998, 1999.


CA: So, given that this vacation led to the creation of the world’s biggest private foundation, it’s pretty expensive as vacations go. (Laughter)

MG: I guess so. We enjoyed it.

CA: Which of you was the key instigator here, or was it symmetrical?

Bill Gates: Well, I think we were excited that there’d be a phase of our life where we’d get to work together and figure out how to give this money back. At this stage, we were talking about the poorest, and could you have a big impact on them? Were there things that weren’t being done? There was a lot we didn’t know. Our naïveté is pretty incredible, when we look back on it. But we had a certain enthusiasm that that would be the phase, the post-Microsoft phase would be our philanthropy.

MG: Which Bill always thought was going to come after he was 60, so he hasn’t quite hit 60 yet, so some things change along the way.

CA: So it started there, but it got accelerated. So that was ’93, and it was ’97, really, before the foundation itself started.

MA: Yeah, in ’97, we read an article about diarrheal diseases killing so many kids around the world, and we kept saying to ourselves, “Well that can’t be. In the U.S., you just go down to the drug store.” And so we started gathering scientists and started learning about population, learning about vaccines, learning about what had worked and what had failed, and that’s really when we got going, was in late 1998, 1999.

given that ~ : もし〔that以下〕ならば、〔that以下〕を考えれば
lead to ~: 〔事が〕~につながる、結果として~に導く、~を引き起こす、~をもたらす、~の原因となる
foundation: n. (慈善事業研究などに資金を供給する)財団、基金
private foundation: 私立財団
pretty: adv. ずいぶんと、とても、かなり、非常に(= very much)
as ~ go: 〜の標準から言うと、〜としては
key: a. 主要な、重要な
instigator: n. 扇動者
symmetrical: a. 対称的な;釣り合い[均整]の取れた(balanced)
phase: n. 段階、局面
figure out: 考え出す、見つけ出す、理解する
stage: n. 段階、局面
at this stage: この段階で
the poorest: 最貧困層
impact: n. 〔〜への〕(社会的・精神的)影響、衝撃、効果〔on, upon〕
naïveté: n. (フランス語)純朴さ、素朴さ、ばか正直、だまされやすいこと
incredible: a. 信じられない、信じがたい、信用できない、すごい、驚くべき
look back on ~ : (過去の出来事などを)振り返る、回想する
enthusiasm: n. 熱意、やる気、熱中、熱狂
philanthropy: n. 慈善、慈善活動、社会奉仕事業、慈善団体
not quite: まったく〜というわけではない、必ずしも〜ではない
hit: vt. 〜に達する、〜に着く、〜に至る
along the way: 途中で、ここに至るまでに
accelerate: vt. 〜を加速する、〜を促進する、速める
diarrheal: a. 下痢の(下痢 = diarrhea)
that can be.: そんなはずはない、そんなばかな、そんなことはあり得ない
drug store: ⦅米⦆ドラッグストア、薬局、 薬屋 (⦅英⦆chemist(‘s) (shop)) 〘薬のほか, 化粧品日用品飲食物などを販売する〙.
population: n. 人口、(ある特徴を共有する)人々、集団
vaccine: n. ワクチン
work: vi. (計画・手段・機構などが)うまく働く、効果がある、(薬などが)効く
fail: vi. (試み・計画・事業などが)失敗する、うまくいかない


1行目、” given that this vacation led to the creation of the world’s biggest private foundation, it’s pretty expensive as vacations go”.「もしこの旅行が世界最大の私立財団につながるとしたら、旅行としてはかなり高額ですね(笑い)」:これは、財団が、例えば2005年には国際団体「ワクチンと予防接種のための世界同盟」に7億5000万ドルの寄付を発表するなど、民間としては最大規模の寄付をし、また2006年、ゲイツ夫妻の死後50年以内に財団の資産を使い切って活動を終えると発表しているので、そのアイデアのきっかけとなった旅行の代金としてはかなりの高額ですね、と言っている。


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