ビル・ゲイツ&メリンダ・ゲイツ No.04

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CA: So, I asked each of you to pick an image that you like that illustrates your work, and Melinda, this is what you picked. What’s this about?

MG: So I, one of the things I love to do when I travel is to go out to the rural areas and talk to the women, whether it’s Bangladesh, India, lots of countries in Africa, and I go in as a Western woman without a name. I don’t tell them who I am. Pair of khakis. And I kept hearing from women, over and over and over, the more I traveled, “I want to be able to use this shot.” I would be there to talk to them about childhood vaccines, and they would bring the conversation around to “But what about the shot I get?” which is an injection they were getting called Depo-Provera, which is a contraceptive. And I would come back and talk to global health experts, and they’d say, “Oh no, contraceptives are stocked in in the developing world.” Well, you had to dig deeper into the reports, and this is what the team came to me with, which is, to have the number one thing that women tell you in Africa they want to use stocked out more than 200 days a year explains why women were saying to me, “I walked 10 kilometers without my husband knowing it, and I got to the clinic, and there was nothing there.” And so condoms were stocked in in Africa because of all the AIDS work that the U.S. and others supported. But women will tell you over and over again, “I can’t negotiate a condom with my husband. I’m either suggesting he has AIDS or I have AIDS, and I need that tool because then I can space the births of my children, and I can feed them and have a chance of educating them.”


CA: So, I asked each of you to pick an image that you like that illustrates your work, and Melinda, this is what you picked. What’s this about?

MG: So I, one of the things I love to do when I travel is to go out to the rural areas and talk to the women, whether it’s Bangladesh, India, lots of countries in Africa, and I go in as a Western woman without a name. I don’t tell them who I am. Pair of khakis. And I kept hearing from women, over and over and over, the more I traveled, “I want to be able to use this shot.” I would be there to talk to them about childhood vaccines, and they would bring the conversation around to “But what about the shot I get?” which is an injection they were getting called Depo-Provera, which is a contraceptive. And I would come back and talk to global health experts, and they’d say, “Oh no, contraceptives are stocked in in the developing world.” Well, you had to dig deeper into the reports, and this is what the team came to me with, which is, to have the number one thing that women tell you in Africa they want to use stocked out more than 200 days a year explains why women were saying to me, “I walked 10 kilometers without my husband knowing it, and I got to the clinic, and there was nothing there.” And so condoms were stocked in in Africa because of all the AIDS work that the U.S. and others supported. But women will tell you over and over again, “I can’t negotiate a condom with my husband. I’m either suggesting he has AIDS or I have AIDS, and I need that tool because then I can space the births of my children, and I can feed them and have a chance of educating them.”

pick: vt. 選ぶ
image: n. 画像、イメージ
illustrate: vt. (例示や比較などで〜を)説明する、解説する
What’s this about?: これはどういうことですか?これは何のことですか?
Bangladesh: n. バングラデシュ(正式名、バングラデシュ人民共和国 the People’s Republic of Bangladesh; 首都ダッカDhaka。)
pair of ~: = a pair of ~ 一対の、一組の
khakis: n. (主に米)カーキ色のズボン ;カーキ色の軍服 cf. khakiだと不可算名詞で「カーキ色、カーキ色の布地」を意味する。
shot: n. ⦅主に米くだけて⦆皮下注射;ワクチン接種(injection);(薬の)1服(dose);
childhood vaccine: 小児期ワクチン、子供の予防接種ワクチン
injection: n. 注射、注入;導入
Depo-Provera: n. デポ・プロベラ(3カ月に一度女性に注射する避妊法)
contraceptive: n. 避妊薬、避妊用具 a. 避妊(用)の
condom: n. コンドーム(避妊具)
stock: vt. (商品)を置いている、在庫として持っている、仕入れる
developing world: 途上世界
dig into ~: 〜を探る、突っ込んだ研究をする、〜を徹底的に調べる
clinic: n. 診療所、外来、病院、臨床講義
AIDS: エイズ、後天性免疫不全症候群(= acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)
work: n. 活動
support: vt. 支える、支持する、援助する、サポートする
AIDS: エイズ、後天性免疫不全症候群(= acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)
negotiate: vt. 〜について交渉する、交渉して取り決める
suggest: vt. 〜とそれとなく言う、ほのめかす;〜を提案する、持ちかける、言い出す
space: vt. 〜の間隔を空ける、〜の間にスペースを置く
birth: n. 出産、分娩;誕生、出生
feed: vt. 〜に食事を与える、〜を養う



preferred: a. 気に入った、好ましい
women-preferred: 女性が望む
birth control: 避妊、妊娠調節、産児制限
days not available: 入手できない日数
injectable: n. 注射可能物質[薬物]:a. 注射可能な、注入可能な
pill: n. 経口避妊薬、ピル
implant: n. (シリコン・避妊具・人工臓器などの)インプラント、移植、埋没物


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