ビル・ゲイツ&メリンダ・ゲイツ No.05

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CA: Melinda, you’re Roman Catholic, and you’ve often been embroiled in controversy over this issue, and on the abortion question, on both sides, really. How do you navigate that?

MG: Yeah, so I think that’s a really important point, which is, we had backed away from contraceptives as a global community. We knew that 210 million women were saying they wanted access to contraceptives, even the contraceptives we have here in the United States, and we weren’t providing them because of the political controversy in our country, and to me that was just a crime, and I kept looking around trying to find the person that would get this back on the global stage, and I finally realized I just had to do it. And even though I’m Catholic, I believe in contraceptives just like most of the Catholic women in the United States who report using contraceptives, and I shouldn’t let that controversy be the thing that holds us back. We used to have consensus in the United States around contraceptives, and so we got back to that global consensus, and actually raised 2.6 billion dollars around exactly this issue for women. (Applause)


CA: Melinda, you’re Roman Catholic, and you’ve often been embroiled in controversy over this issue, and on the abortion question, on both sides, really. How do you navigate that?

MG: Yeah, so I think that’s a really important point, which is, we had backed away from contraceptives as a global community. We knew that 210 million women were saying they wanted access to contraceptives, even the contraceptives we have here in the United States, and we weren’t providing them because of the political controversy in our country, and to me that was just a crime, and I kept looking around trying to find the person that would get this back on the global stage, and I finally realized I just had to do it. And even though I’m Catholic, I believe in contraceptives just like most of the Catholic women in the United States who report using contraceptives, and I shouldn’t let that controversy be the thing that holds us back. We used to have consensus in the United States around contraceptives, and so we got back to that global consensus, and actually raised 2.6 billion dollars around exactly this issue for women. (Applause)

Roman Catholic: (キリスト教)ローマカトリック教徒(の)
embroil: vt. 【戦い・議論などに】〜を巻き込む(in)
issue: n. 問題、気がかり、争点、論点
abortion: n. 妊娠中絶、(人工)流産、堕胎
navigate: vt. 操縦する、誘導する、道を指図する;〜を導く、案内する
back away from ~: ~から後退する[後ずさりする・遠ざかる・身を引く・逃げ腰になる・腰が引ける]、~を敬遠する、~を取り下げる
contraceptive: n. 避妊薬、避妊用具:a. 避妊(用)の
grobal community: 国際社会、地球社会
access: n. (〜への)機会、権利、利用権、入手権(to)
provide: vt. (必要なもの)を提供する、与える、支給[給付]する
because of ~: 〜のせいで、〜のために
controversy: n. 論争、議論、論議、激論、
global stage: 国際舞台
political controversy: 政治議論、政治論争
even though: 〜にもかかわらず、〜だけれども、〜であるにしても
report ~ing: 〜したと報告する
hold back: 〜を引きとめる、〜にためらわせる、〜を伏せておく、隠す
consensus: n. 意見の一致、合意、総意
global consensus: 世界的な合意
raise: vt. (資金などを)集める、募る
billion: n. 10億


vasectomy: 精管切除、パイプカット(pipe-cut は和製英語)
Norplant: ノルプラント(皮下埋め込みホルモンカプセル)
tubal ligation: 卵管結紮(らんかんけっさつ)術【略】TL
Lunelle: ルネル(2種類のホルモン注射)
Depo-Provera: デポプロベラ(1種類のホルモン注射)
IUD: 子宮内避妊器具(= intrauterine device)
IUS: 子宮内避妊システム(= intrauterine contraceptive system)
pill: ピル、経口避妊薬(OC: = oral contraceptive 経口避妊薬)
condom: コンドーム


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