エイミー・カディ No.07

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So the second question really was, you know, so we know that our minds change our bodies, but is it also true that our bodies change our minds? And when I say minds, in the case of the powerful, what am I talking about? So I’m talking about thoughts and feelings and the sort of physiological things that make up our thoughts and feelings, and in my case, that’s hormones. I look at hormones. So what do the minds of the powerful versus the powerless look like? So powerful people tend to be, not surprisingly, more assertive and more confident, more optimistic. They actually feel that they’re going to win even at games of chance. They also tend to be able to think more abstractly. So there are a lot of differences. They take more risks. There are a lot of differences between powerful and powerless people. Physiologically, there also are differences on two key hormones: testosterone, which is the dominance hormone, and cortisol, which is the stress hormone. So what we find is that high-power alpha males in primate hierarchies have high testosterone and low cortisol, and powerful and effective leaders also have high testosterone and low cortisol. So what does that mean? When you think about power, people tended to think only about testosterone, because that was about dominance. But really, power is also about how you react to stress. So do you want the high-power leader that’s dominant, high on testosterone, but really stress reactive? Probably not, right? You want the person who’s powerful and assertive and dominant, but not very stress reactive, the person who’s laid back.


So the second question really was, you know, so we know that our minds change our bodies, but is it also true that our bodies change our minds? And when I say minds, in the case of the powerful, what am I talking about? So I’m talking about thoughts and feelings and the sort of physiological things that make up our thoughts and feelings, and in my case, that’s hormones. I look at hormones. So what do the minds of the powerful versus the powerless look like? So powerful people tend to be, not surprisingly, more assertive and more confident, more optimistic. They actually feel that they’re going to win even at games of chance. They also tend to be able to think more abstractly. So there are a lot of differences. They take more risks. There are a lot of differences between powerful and powerless people. Physiologically, there also are differences on two key hormones: testosterone, which is the dominance hormone, and cortisol, which is the stress hormone. So what we find is that high-power alpha males in primate hierarchies have high testosterone and low cortisol, and powerful and effective leaders also have high testosterone and low cortisol. So what does that mean? When you think about power, people tended to think only about testosterone, because that was about dominance. But really, power is also about how you react to stress. So do you want the high-power leader that’s dominant, high on testosterone, but really stress reactive? Probably not, right? You want the person who’s powerful and assertive and dominant, but not very stress reactive, the person who’s laid back.

in the case of ~:〜について言えば、〜については、〜にしてみれば
physiological:a. 生理学(上)の、生理的な
make up ~:〜を作り出す、作り上げる
in my case:私の場合
hormone:n. ホルモン
versus:a. 対、〜と対比[対照]して
the powerful:強いもの
the powerless:弱いもの
powerless:a. 弱い、無力な、権力のない、勢力のない
powerful:a. 強い、強力な、権力のある、勢力を持つ
not surprisingly:驚くことではないが、予想通り、当然のことながら
tend to ~ : 〜しがちである、〜する傾向がある
assertive: a. 積極的な、自己主張の強い、断定的な
confident: a. 自信にあふれた、大胆な
optimistic: a. 楽観的な、楽天的な、くよくよしない(⇔ pessimistic 悲観的な、厭世的な
chance: n. 賭け、(一か八かの)冒険
game of chance: (運が左右する)ゲーム [サイコロ、トランプなど]
abstractly: adv. 抽象的に(abstract: a. 抽象的な、観念的な)
take a risk[risks]: 危険を冒す
physiologically: 生理学的に
testosterone: n. テストステロン(精巣、卵巣などの「生殖器」から分泌される男性ホルモンの一種)
dominance: n. 支配、優勢、優越、[遺伝子の]優勢
cortisol: n. コルチゾール(副腎皮質から分泌されるホルモンで、糖質コルチコイドの一種)
stress hormone: ストレス・ホルモン
high-power: 活動的な、精力的な、強力な、質の優れた
alpha male: 群れを支配する雄、組織を率いる男性、[男性の]支配者、指導者、ボス
primate: n. 霊長類、霊長目の動物
hierarchy: (組織・社会などの)階層制、階層、階層型組織、序列
effective: a. (人・機械などが)有能な、性能のよい(⇔ ineffective)
react to ~ : 〜に反応する
reactive: a. よく反応する、敏感な
stress reactive: ストレス過敏な
laid-back: a. おおらかな、こだわりのない、気軽な





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