ビル・ゲイツ&メリンダ・ゲイツ No.06

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CA: Bill, this is your graph. What’s this about?

BG: Well, my graph has numbers on it. (Laughter) I really like this graph. This is the number of children who die before the age of five every year. And what you find is really a phenomenal success story which is not widely known, that we are making incredible progress. We go from 20 million not long after I was born to now we’re down to about six million. So this is a story largely of vaccines. Smallpox was killing a couple million kids a year. That was eradicated, so that got down to zero. Measles was killing a couple million a year. That’s down to a few hundred thousand. Anyway, this is a chart where you want to get that number to continue, and it’s going to be possible, using the science of new vaccines, getting the vaccines out to kids. We can actually accelerate the progress. The last decade, that number has dropped faster than ever in history, and so I just love the fact that you can say, okay, if we can invent new vaccines, we can get them out there, use the very latest understanding of these things, and get the delivery right, that we can perform a miracle.


CA: Bill, this is your graph. What’s this about?

BG: Well, my graph has numbers on it. (Laughter) I really like this graph. This is the number of children who die before the age of five every year. And what you find is really a phenomenal success story which is not widely known, that we are making incredible progress. We go from 20 million not long after I was born to now we’re down to about six million. So this is a story largely of vaccines. Smallpox was killing a couple million kids a year. That was eradicated, so that got down to zero. Measles was killing a couple million a year. That’s down to a few hundred thousand. Anyway, this is a chart where you want to get that number to continue, and it’s going to be possible, using the science of new vaccines, getting the vaccines out to kids. We can actually accelerate the progress. The last decade, that number has dropped faster than ever in history, and so I just love the fact that you can say, okay, if we can invent new vaccines, we can get them out there, use the very latest understanding of these things, and get the delivery right, that we can perform a miracle.

phenomenal: a. 驚くべき、すばらしい、並外れた、まれに見る
success story: サクセス・ストーリー、成功談
widely: adv. 広く、幅広く、広範囲にわたって
make progress: 進展[進歩・進行]する
incredible: a. 信じられないほど素晴らしい、すごい、驚くべき、とてつもない
not long after: 〜から間もなく
largely: 大部分は、ほとんど、概して、主として
vaccine: n. ワクチン 、痘苗(とうびょう)
a couple: 2、3の
smallpox: n. 天然痘、疱瘡(ほうそう)
eradicate: vt. 〜を根絶する、撲滅する、絶やす
get down to ~: 〜にまで落ちる
measles: n. はしか、麻疹
accelerate: vt. 〜の速度を上げる、加速する:〜を促進する、速める
progress: n. 前進、進歩、向上、上達、進展、進捗
decade: n. 10年間、10年
invent: vt. 〜を発明する、考案する、創作する
understanding: n. 知識、理解、解釈、理解、認識
delivery: n. 配達、配送
perform: vt. 〜を行う、実行する、執行する、果たす
miracle: n. 奇跡、驚くべきこと、奇跡的な出来事、偉業




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