ケリー・マクゴニガル No.03


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[audio:http://akioiwai.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Kelly-McGonigal_-No03-20.mp3] [audio:http://akioiwai.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Kelly-McGonigal_-No03.mp3] [audio:http://akioiwai.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Kelly-McGonigal_-No0325.mp3]


Now to explain how this works, I want you all to pretend that you are participants in a study designed to stress you out. It’s called the social stress test. You come into the laboratory, and you’re told you have to give a five-minute impromptu speech on your personal weaknesses to a panel of expert evaluators sitting right in front of you, and to make sure you feel the pressure, there are bright lights and a camera in your face, kind of like this. And the evaluators have been trained to give you discouraging, non-verbal feedback like this. (Laughter)
Now that you’re sufficiently demoralized, time for part two: a math test. And unbeknownst to you, the experimenter has been trained to harass you during it. Now we’re going to all do this together. It’s going to be fun. For me.
Okay. I want you all to count backwards from 996 in increments of seven. You’re going to do this out loud as fast as you can, starting with 996. Go! Audience: (Counting) Go faster. Faster please. You’re going too slow. Stop. Stop, stop, stop. That guy made a mistake. We are going to have to start all over again. (Laughter) You’re not very good at this, are you? Okay, so you get the idea. Now, if you were actually in this study, you’d probably be a little stressed out. Your heart might be pounding, you might be breathing faster, maybe breaking out into a sweat. And normally, we interpret these physical changes as anxiety or signs that we aren’t coping very well with the pressure.



Now to explain how this works, I want you all to pretend that you are participants in a study designed to stress you out. It’s called the social stress test. You come into the laboratory, and you’re told you have to give a five-minute impromptu speech on your personal weaknesses to a panel of expert evaluators sitting right in front of you, and to make sure you feel the pressure, there are bright lights and a camera in your face, kind of like this. And the evaluators have been trained to give you discouraging, non-verbal feedback like this. (Laughter)
Now that you’re sufficiently demoralized, time for part two: a math test. And unbeknownst to you, the experimenter has been trained to harass you during it. Now we’re going to all do this together. It’s going to be fun. For me.
Okay. I want you all to count backwards from 996 in increments of seven. You’re going to do this out loud as fast as you can, starting with 996. Go! Audience: (Counting) Go faster. Faster please. You’re going too slow. Stop. Stop, stop, stop. That guy made a mistake. We are going to have to start all over again. (Laughter) You’re not very good at this, are you? Okay, so you get the idea. Now, if you were actually in this study, you’d probably be a little stressed out. Your heart might be pounding, you might be breathing faster, maybe breaking out into a sweat. And normally, we interpret these physical changes as anxiety or signs that we aren’t coping very well with the pressure.


participant: n. 【活動・行事などへの】参加者,関係者(in)
study: n. 調査,研究
design vt. 〜を立案する,(悪事を)たくらむ;〜を計画する、設計する、〜の目的で作る
stress out: ストレスでまいらせる,イライラさせる
social stress test: 社会的ストレステスト
laboratory: n. 実験室,試験所,研究室
impromptu: a. 即興の,即席の,準備なしの、急ごしらえの
impromptu speech: 即興演説
personal weakness: 個人的弱点
panel: (助言・討論を行う)専門家集団、…団;委員会
evaluator: n. 評価する人
right: adv. まさに、ちょうど;すぐに
make sure: (…であるように)手配する、気をつける «that節»
sufficiently: adv. 十分に
demoralize: vt. 〜の士気をくじく
demoralized: a. やる気をなくした,士気阻喪した;困惑[混乱・当惑]した、まごついた
unbeknownst to ~: 〜に知られずに,気づかれずに
experimenter: n. 実験者
train: vt. 〜を訓練する,教育する;〜を養う,鍛錬する
harass: vt. 〜を悩ます,困らせる;〜をいらいらさせる
count: vi. 数を数える,計算する
backwards: adv. 逆に,逆さに;後ろ前に
increment: n. 増加(量),増分,増大,増強(⇔decrement 減少(量))
out loud: 声を出して,他の人に聞こえるように、大声で、はっきりと
all over again: もう一度,最初からやり直して
get the idea: 分かる,想像する、納得する
pound: vi. (心臓が)ドキドキ[バクバク]する、(頭が)ズキズキ[ガンガン]する
break out into a sweat: 汗が噴き出る
interpret: vt. 解釈する
physical change: 身体的な変化
anxiety: n. 心配,不安,懸念
sign: n. 兆候;しるし,証拠
cope with ~: 〜に対処する







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