セス・ゴーディン No.05

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[audio:http://akioiwai.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Seth-Godin-No5-20.mp3] [audio:http://akioiwai.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Seth-Godin-No5.mp3] [audio:http://akioiwai.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Seth-Godin-No5-201.mp3]


That what we do for a living now, all of us, I think, is find something worth changing, and then assemble tribes that assemble tribes that spread the idea and spread the idea. And it becomes something far bigger than ourselves, it becomes a movement. So when Al Gore set out to change the world again, he didn’t do it by himself. And he didn’t do it by buying a lot of ads. He did it by creating a movement. Thousands of people around the country who could give his presentation for him, because he can’t be in 100 or 200 or 500 cities in each night.

You don’t need everyone. What Kevin Kelley has taught us is you just need, I don’t know, a thousand true fans — a thousand people who care enough that they will get you the next round and the next round and the next round. And that means that the idea you create, the product you create, the movement you create isn’t for everyone, it’s not a mass thing. That’s not what this is about. What it’s about instead is finding the true believers. It’s easy to look at what I’ve said so far, and say, “Wait a minute, I don’t have what it takes to be that kind of leader.”

So here are two leaders. They don’t have a lot in common. They’re about the same age. But that’s about it. What they did, though, is each in their own way, created a different way of navigating your way through technology. So some people will go out and get people to be on one team. And some people will get people to be on the other team.

It also informs the decisions you make when you make products or services. You know, this is one of my favorite devices. But what a shame that it’s not organized to help authors create movements. What would happen if, when you’re using your Kindle, you could see the comments and quotes and notes from all the other people reading the same book as you in that moment. Or from your book group. Or from your friends, or from the circle you want. What would happen if authors, or people with ideas could use version two, which comes out on Monday, and use it to organize people who want to talk about something. Now there is a million things I could share with you about the mechanics here. But let me just try a couple.



That what we do for a living now, all of us, I think, is find something worth changing, and then assemble tribes that assemble tribes that spread the idea and spread the idea. And it becomes something far bigger than ourselves, it becomes a movement. So when Al Gore set out to change the world again, he didn’t do it by himself. And he didn’t do it by buying a lot of ads. He did it by creating a movement. Thousands of people around the country who could give his presentation for him, because he can’t be in 100 or 200 or 500 cities in each night.

You don’t need everyone. What Kevin Kelley has taught us is you just need, I don’t know, a thousand true fans — a thousand people who care enough that they will get you the next round and the next round and the next round. And that means that the idea you create, the product you create, the movement you create isn’t for everyone, it’s not a mass thing. That’s not what this is about. What it’s about instead is finding the true believers. It’s easy to look at what I’ve said so far, and say, “Wait a minute, I don’t have what it takes to be that kind of leader.”

So here are two leaders. They don’t have a lot in common. They’re about the same age. But that’s about it. What they did, though, is each in their own way, created a different way of navigating your way through technology. So some people will go out and get people to be on one team. And some people will get people to be on the other team.

It also informs the decisions you make when you make products or services. You know, this is one of my favorite devices. But what a shame that it’s not organized to help authors create movements. What would happen if, when you’re using your Kindle, you could see the comments and quotes and notes from all the other people reading the same book as you in that moment. Or from your book group. Or from your friends, or from the circle you want. What would happen if authors, or people with ideas could use version two, which comes out on Monday, and use it to organize people who want to talk about something. Now there is a million things I could share with you about the mechanics here. But let me just try a couple.


for a living: 生活のために
worth ~ing: 〜する価値がある
assemble: vt. 〜を集める、〜を作る、〜を集めて整理する
spread: vt. 〜を広める、広げる、拡大させる
Al Gore: アル・ゴア(1948~。米国民主党の政治家。ハーバード大学卒業後、報道班員としてベトナム戦争従軍。新聞記者を経て1977年から下院議員。85年上院に転じる。クリントン政権で副大統領(1993~2001)。2000年の大統領選に出馬し、共和党のジョージ・W・ブッシュと歴史に残る大接戦を演じたが、12月に敗北宣言をした。
set out to:~に着手する、~し始める、~することを目指す
ad: n. (advertisementの短縮形)広告
presentation:【商品企画考えなどについての】説明, 口頭発表, プレゼン(テーション) «on»
Kevin Kelly: ケヴィン・ケリー。雑誌『Wired』の創立編集長。作家、写真家、自然保護活動家。
so far: これまで、今までのところ
in one’s own way: 自分らしい方法で、自己流で、自分なりに、自分の流儀で、独自のやり方で
navigate: vt. (人など)を導く、案内する
inform: vt. 知らせる、伝える、報告する
device: n. 装置、道具、仕掛け、器具
Kindle: 《商標》キンドル(2007年11月米国アマゾン社が発売した携帯型電子書籍端末)
quote: n. (〜からの)引用文[語句](quotation) «from» ; 〖通例~s〗引用符(quotation mark)
mechanics: n. 力学、機械工学;構造、仕組み;決まりきった手順



Kevin Kelly(ケヴィン・ケリー)

Al Gore
アルバート・アーノルド・”アル”・ゴア・ジュニア(Albert Arnold “Al” Gore, Jr.)
1948年3月31日 生まれ。アメリカ合衆国の政治家。環境問題の論客として知られる。下院議員、上院議員、副大統領を歴任。彼は2000年に大統領に立候補した。全国一斉投票では共和党候補ジョージ・W・ブッシュより得票数で上回ったが、フロリダ州での開票手続きについての問題の後、落選が決定した。


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