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My friend Red Maxwell has spent the last 10 years fighting against juvenile diabetes. Not fighting the organization that’s fighting it — fighting with them, leading them, connecting them, challenging the status quo because it’s important to him. And the people he surrounds himself with need the connection. They need the leadership. It makes a difference.
You don’t need permission from people to lead them. But in case you do, here it is: they’re waiting, we’re waiting for you to show us where to go next. So here is what leaders have in common. The first thing is, they challenge the status quo. They challenge what’s currently there. The second thing is, they build a culture. A secret language, a seven-second handshake, a way of knowing that you’re in or out. They have curiosity. Curiosity about people in the tribe, curiosity about outsiders. They’re asking questions. They connect people to one another. Do you know what people want more than anything? They want to be missed. They want to be missed the day they don’t show up. They want to be missed when they’re gone. And tribe leaders can do that. It’s fascinating, because all tribe leaders have charisma, but you don’t need charisma to become a leader. Being a leader gives you charisma. If you look and study the leaders who have succeeded, that’s where charisma comes from — from the leading. Finally, they commit. They commit to the cause. They commit to the tribe. They commit to the people who are there.
So I’d like you to do something for me. And I hope you’ll think about it before you reject it out-of-hand. What I want you to do, it only takes 24 hours, is: create a movement. Something that matters. Start. Do it. We need it. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. (Applause)
My friend Red Maxwell has spent the last 10 years fighting against juvenile diabetes. Not fighting the organization that’s fighting it — fighting with them, leading them, connecting them, challenging the status quo because it’s important to him. And the people he surrounds himself with need the connection. They need the leadership. It makes a difference.
You don’t need permission from people to lead them. But in case you do, here it is: they’re waiting, we’re waiting for you to show us where to go next. So here is what leaders have in common. The first thing is, they challenge the status quo. They challenge what’s currently there. The second thing is, they build a culture. A secret language, a seven-second handshake, a way of knowing that you’re in or out. They have curiosity. Curiosity about people in the tribe, curiosity about outsiders. They’re asking questions. They connect people to one another. Do you know what people want more than anything? They want to be missed. They want to be missed the day they don’t show up. They want to be missed when they’re gone. And tribe leaders can do that. It’s fascinating, because all tribe leaders have charisma, but you don’t need charisma to become a leader. Being a leader gives you charisma. If you look and study the leaders who have succeeded, that’s where charisma comes from — from the leading. Finally, they commit. They commit to the cause. They commit to the tribe. They commit to the people who are there.
So I’d like you to do something for me. And I hope you’ll think about it before you reject it out-of-hand. What I want you to do, it only takes 24 hours, is: create a movement. Something that matters. Start. Do it. We need it. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. (Applause)
Red Maxwell: レッド・マクスウェル。
juvenile diabetes: 若年性糖尿病
challenge: vt. 〜について異議を唱える、〜を疑問視する;〜の能力を試す
permission: n. 許可、許諾、承認、認可、同意
curiosity: n. 好奇心、詮索好き
outsider: n. 外部者、部外者、門外漢
more than anything: 何よりも、何にも増して
miss: vt. 〜がいないのを寂しく思う、〜が恋しい
show up: 現れる、姿を見せる
fascinating: a. 魅惑的な、うっとりさせる、興味をそそる
charisma: n. カリスマ性、人を引き付ける指導力
commit: vi. (本気で)取り組む、専念する;(真剣に)関わる、傾倒する;態度をはっきりさせる、言質を与える
cause: n. (人を動かす)理念、信念、大義
reject: vt. (要求・提案・訴えなどを)拒絶する、拒否する、拒む、受け入れない、認めない
out of hand: 手に負えない、手に余って;即座に、きっぱりと〈断るなど〉
matter: vi. 重要である
Red Maxwell レッド・マクスウェル